Leben Was Geht

Aktivitäten von Gruber Bernhard Losenstein

Speed Flying Grosser Pyhrgas (2244m)

October 16th, 2010

Hi fog addicted Speed Junkies!
Last Thursday Patrik and me we drove to Spital am Pyhrn and hiked up to the Grosser Pyhrgas (2244m above sealevel).
In the valley there was a lot of clouds to see, but when we arrived aboud 1800m height we had a really amazing view over the bottom clouds. What a nice evening.
Then we thought twice if we should fly thru the fog. We came to the point that the fog has only 200m’s of height so: Beat it!
By the way, such no visibility flights are forbidden!! so don’t try this at home baby’s!
Look to the video, then you can imagine the great flight.
Thx for the wonderful nice autumn evening!
Cya on the mountains