April 21st, 2010
Buenos dias!
Last ten days eight people from Windgeschwindigkite (Hübl Experience, Rabi, Obsi, Geibs, Schoko, Chri, Maho and me) we flew to the island Fuerteventura in spain for kitesurfing and surfing.
La forte ventura does mean the big adventure – and we got big adventure….
We rented one Holiday House and one Appartment in the very quiet village Giniginamar. For Surfing we drove with our rented car and the “Mahoni mobil” to the Playa Barca at the Sotovento beach near Costa Calma on the east side of the coast. there is one big surf school from rené egli.
at summer time you have here perfect conditions from the northeasterly passat wind which get shifted by two mountains to a northwesterly wind and get stronger by the nozzle effect.
when the weather is not so good, there is southwesterly wind which we enjoyed.
in the winter time the best thing to do is surfing at the northern shore at el cotillo at punta blanca and punta de la tinosa. waves can be up to 5m heigh from november until march. but there is no rescue – so take care! more safe conditons you have at the flag beach in corralejo at the flag beach center.
the first day we had light wind conditions only for the flysurfer silberpfeil.
on monday we did some sightseeing tour to the beach garcey at the westcoast where the 220m long american star ship sank 1994 because of a big storm. unfortunately we could see only some small wreck parts.
please do not try to swim to the wreck because there are a lot of swirls under water.
the second day we had fine southwesterly – that is side shore. i needed a rescue service because i crashed my lines from the kite into a buoy. first i tried to swim back to the coast, but it was not so easy to swim back to the coast with my equipment. so i had to wink zthe rescue and we picked me up with his seadoo. this service cost 30€ and is very important when you get some troubles in the wavy conditons.
On the wednesday we had wind up to 55knots. we had to go onto the beach because we had no smaller stuff here to manage this strong winds. so we had to look up to the profi riders like danis from france. he flews an north vegas 7m² kite and did jumps up to 20m’s height and really crazy kiteloops – much respect and big up.
two hours later we could start our smallest kites and drove the lagoon which is very special here. you have strong wind and flat water from 10 to 50cm depth. that was the best thing on this trip. we tried some new jumps here – what a nice session.
on thursday and friday we had good conditions again at the lagoon and at the seaside. really wonderful, because if you feel tired from the waves, you can cross the 10m sandbank and jump into the lagoon where you can enjoy the flat water. muhaa
normally we had to fly back on saturday evening but the the airline cancelled our fligh because of the ash clouds from the island vulcan. so we had to stay for more days here in fuerte. shit happens…
on sunday there there was no wind and on monday we rented a longboard at the waveguru surf school in la pared and we did some surfing with our surf teacher “hübl experience”.
la pared is a very good and not so crowded surfspot for beginners up to the advanced guys.
on tuesday night we had to say good bye because we managed to get an flight to vienna instead of munich. so we got our “happy ending” – thanks to niki lauda 😉
and many thanks to the good cookers in our team and for the nice party at the fanta club in giniginamar with ocho rum e cuatro cola!
Hang loose!
Cya on the big waves dudes.
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Kitesurfen, Reisen, Sport |
Posted by grubernhard
October 4th, 2009
Hi windjunkies!
Last week Georg Schober aka Gogo and me (Bernhard Gruber) we drove to Hvide Sande in Denmark for kitesurfing.
we needed 10.5 hours with the car for 1300km’s.
on Tuesday we arrived at 7 o’clock in the morning, so we slept 3 hours on the dune behind the wavespot. what a great feeling, sleeping in the nature with the wind in the neck….
then we organized an accommodation (leisure residence with sauna and whirlpool direct on the fjord….)
in the afternoon we did the first wave session in hvide sande south….
on the next days we visited bork havn and skaven beach for surfing in the fjord.
on friday we had again a nice first cold wavekite session at hvide sande. what a nice feeling to ride this 3.5m height waves and jump big airs….
the wind in denmark was predicted for saturday in western direction, so the best spot would have been blavand because of sideshore and very good (clean but not too big) wave conditions.
it was also predicted a wind up to 110km/h so we decided to go further to the south.
so on saturday morning we drove from hvide sande to the steinhuder meer near hannover. thats a small like with maximum depth of 3metres water depth.
in the evening we drove home to linz. and on sunday i drove to cerna and had a really great southwest kitesurf day at the lipno lake in czech republic.
so i had 100% wind last week. holy shit!
i can recommend evryone to visit denmark for surfing! great country with great people for wind addicted people like me.
let me know if you are interested in such a trip perhaps for next year….
good night bernhard
1 Comment |
Kitesurfen, Sport |
Posted by grubernhard