Leben Was Geht

Aktivitäten von Gruber Bernhard Losenstein

Via Ferrata Seewand – Krippenstein

June 12th, 2010

Hi Rockaddicts!
This day, Harry, Patrik, Andi and me, we drove to Hallstatt to climb the via ferrata seewand at this very hot day and fly down with the speedflyer.
we needed 3 hours for the great nice and steep 850m of altitude differerence tour. one handsize stone fell down from the climbers above us and passed patrik 1m’s beside him. in the route we had there really stunning views. amazing!
harry tried to manage all the tour without needing the artificial stuff like the steel cable and so on.
He did very well – Congratulations!
Then we went to the Gjaidalm for lunch. After some important drinks we further up to the krippenstein, and tried to find some starting place for starting our speedflyers. unfortunately the main wind was from southwest and we had some upwind, but everywhere there were so many “Latschen” and the top of the krippenstein is to flat.
the parachute flyers were waiting for some lower wind – thats the difference.
we need more wind , they less. crazy.
nevertheless we went to the fithfingers and then we drove down with the cable car, because the thunder storm was coming.
rather climb down the mountain with the speedflyer in the back than crashing into some rocks at the start with the ass – muhaaa

You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience.
The Trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.

cya on the windy mountains.

Speedflying Tofana di Rozes

June 6th, 2010

On Sunday we hiked up on the normal route to the Tofana di Rozes.
we managed it with a hard 3:24 hours tour walking in the deep and steep and wet snow.
the mountain top is at 3225 metres above sealevel.
we had to be fast because a big cloud was coming in our direction…
we managed this start very good and harry had some really good upwind conditions inside the clouds. there is very grey 😉
we flew down to cortina d’ ampezzo and so i had also my first 2000m flight.
then we drove back home and saw the “drei zinnen” and then we drove to the großglockner hochalpenstrasse.
we did there also 2 flights but there i don’t show some pics because thats not allowed according the gamekeeper.
nevertheless we get addicted into this sport speedflying.
cya on the mountains and thx for this really nice weekend.

Via Ferrata Giovanni Lipella at Tofana di Rozes

June 5th, 2010

On Saturday we left Lago di Santa Croce and we drove to Cortina d’ Ampezzo to hike up some “real” mountains ;))
We started at the Refugio A. Dibona and wanted to climb the Via Ferrata Giovannni Lipella at the Tofana di Rozes.
First you have to climb in a gallery in the mountain.
unfortunately the gallery was full of ice! we thought we can save some weight and had left our crampon in the car. you can imagine the hard action inside the 800m’s of ice gallery.
nevertheless we managed this problem and we had to walk a little bit horziontally to beginning of the via ferrata giovanni lipella. what a name 😉
the via ferrata was really nice with some great views and some waterfalls.
in the middle we reached a passage where the tour was full in ice and we stopped here the tour. after a lunch break harry and patrik climbed up on some bands to the mountain top. i felt not really good because of the strong sun so i climbed down the via ferrata and walked around the area and visited the stunning galleries which were built for the first world war.
patrik and harry flew down to cortina and did there first 2000 metres flight.
in the evening we met mario and robert from guglhupf climbing.
we slept beside the refugio A. Dibona.

Speedflying Col Nudo

June 4th, 2010

On Friday we hiked up to the Col Nudo, the mountain height is 2471 metres above sealevel.
really nice and attractive hike.
we did there a one hour break and waited until we got fine upwind conditions.
then we applied our speedflyer side by side on the snowridge and fly away with our speedflyer. what a nice action.
i managed to land at the airfield in garna (that was a flight with 1900 metres of height difference)
after a very good gelati we drove up to the refugio dolada and started some thermal flights downwards.

Speedflying Monte Dolada

June 3rd, 2010

On thursday in the morning we drove to Farra D’Alpago for speedflying.
We hiked up to the Rifugio Dolada and then to the Plan de guera, which was very beautiful. i fell in love with this mountains 😉
then we climbed on the ridge to the Monte Dolada which is 1938 metres above sealevel.
We had not much time for lunch because some big clouds has formed in the south. so we dressed our harnes and installed our speedflyer and ran down a steep channel.
What a big action. The landing was really funny, harry landed deep into the gras and patrik did a slide with a small tree.
great day! thx!

Kitesurfing Lago di Santa Croce

June 3rd, 2010

Last week Patrik, Harry and me (Bernhard) we drove to the Lago di Santa Croce in Italy for kitesurfing and speedflying.
This Lake is really great for kitesurfing with it’s thermal wind with 100% wind guarantee at sunny weather from april to june.
The wind starts normally at 12am, so there is enough time for speedflying in the morning and doing a afterspeedfly surf action on the lake 😉